Saturday, July 2, 2011


Indeed,  Grace lifts us up, .....daily.......Without that sun beam, revitalising us,  we would be like deflated balloons, all demotivated and discouraged, each time shortcomings of the world and ourselves kick us full force in the stomach!!!  Yet, when  night passes and a new day dawns, we find enough strength and desire to sustain and move forward .... Folks, Do you know, it is the grace of God....God showering His Grace upon us??!!

Yes, when we are down, He picks us up from the dirty floor, gives us a little kiss , wipes away our tears.....dust us up and then, set us firmly on our feet........"go on,  continue walking..."...He any loving Father would...........Now, where would we be,  if Grace is not given us???? If God does not stand lovingly by our sides??

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