Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weeds & Wheat-Parable

The Kingdom of God is already in our midst yet how many of us are still searching and trying to understand just what the kingdom of God means ........

How many times , we wonder why God allows evil and pain to punctuate our lives...why wickedness is allowed to take its course......this morning, for the first time, Marie understood the parable of the weeds and wheat...Matthew 13:24-43....Truly, there are weeds inside each and everyone of man is perfect....we are both angels and baddies, in one the eyes of some, we are the best and others....bad of the the worst kind....!! Sometimes, we wonder at ourselves..why we did certain things...don't we??

Stand in front of the mirror and do a self examination of your heart and self , words required huh?...know thyself! God in his wisdom and his love...knows mankind for what we are and He..provides us  time-........loads of it........a whole life's journey....., to learn , to understand life's living.....   conquer the dark side of our human component, manage  the devil in us .......and at some point of our journey....through His grace, we can and will.....then surely we walk in goodness, with great values...  and the kingdom of God is given us.....but for now, the struggle and battle within continues.....

Pray brethen, that the kingdom of God is gifted us!

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