Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Living Bible

The Bible may have been written for people of that times, more than 2000 years ago, but from within lies living wisdom which stays relevant and current through out all times;   for every worldly question, there is an  answer, for every worldly trouble, there is compassion and  solace.....for every situation, a solution...for every lost traveller, ....direction...hope....The Old Testament with its stiff laws was a foundation , providing background and understanding and serves as  the source...of knowledge how it all begun... a useful  guide., a comparison., life's lessons..... The Beginning....the Before.. the After....It is never irrelevant.

The New Covenant has given us a Heavenly Father who is Love Himself and the  new convenant has done away with many old laws and practices....The Lord, He  came in the earthly presence of His Son to die for mankind and offer reconciliation. We were  redeemed, healed in our Father, children relationship .... and  .....we have the New Testament . No man can deny  the wisdom which comes forth from the pages of the Living Book of Life.....the Word of the Lord God....and the Lord's had astonished the people of His time,..... steadfastly astonishing, empowering, strengthening   people throughout  the ages and will continue to shine its wisdom beyond the passages of time......... It is after all,  God inspired and God's wisdom never runs out of remains current and living .....

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