Saturday, May 10, 2014

Effects of Depression on others

Depression!!! You are down in  the dumps and crying on the shoulders of your loved ones. Careful, it is infectious and it could easily spill over into the life of another person and may ultimately  destroy  innocent lives! It is just like  smoke from  cigarettes. You may be a non smoker but if you live in close vicinity of a smoker, chances are, the fumes and toxic from your smoker friend or loved ones will end up killing you.

Similarly with depression.You are so depressed that you become a fountain of negativeness. You spew  masses of foul smelling bad eggs. You are all  darkness and gloom-'bad,bad, and so bad'. You are caged up in your constructed world of darkness, pain and sufferings. You foul up, pollute  the air with your pain. The people in your lives are inevitably drawn in and the weak among them gets affected with that bad virus and they end up getting depressed as well. Sometimes, they become scarred for life and do not recover. So, be careful there. If you have to be depressed, ensure that you do not infect innocent people in your lives! Seek to heal yourselves, seek professional help!

Let's illustrate with the case of a couple whose love for each other had gone down the drain and had become disconnected and detached from each other. The Pre and the Post is filled with bitterness, fights and of course the poison of words and action. The people in the lives of this couple, the children especially gets torn up and sandwiched in the war zone. The weaker among them get depressed and begin to associate marriage and relationship with sufferings, deceit and nothing good. They stay away from relationship and marriage. "I do not want to get married if marriage brings such pain. I do not want to get into the same situation as 'them''.

The troubles and problems of this couple had left its dark marks on their children. They no longer see 'married' as bliss. They question if  a lifetime of companionship and love is possible. They see fights, quarrels, cold and violent wars, as part and parcel of  married life. Fear of being in the same boat is very real. So why get married?

Who is there to 'cure and heal' the negative mental impression left by their troubled loved ones? It involves a whole cleansing of the mind , to free the 'affected' victim of such built in negativeness. These victims of spilt over depression should realise that they are not at fault; the ensuing pain is not of their making. . The problems of their parents have nothing to do with them. They have a right to happiness and they can be happy. They are not their parents. Why let the unhappiness of what they see affect their own future? The positive thing to do is learn from the mistakes troubled parents make,  to build up their own  lives. and claim  the  rights to their own happiness!! Who knows that might just be the steadying factor to help  warring parents find some measure of peace and calm  to continue meaningful existence.

To prevent your cancers affecting the people in your lives get quarantined, find healing, move away from depression-get involved in positive activities, be with positive friends, or just find something useful to do to take your mind away from your troubles. Remember, your state of being affects others in your lives! Depression, spreads depression, but happiness begets more happiness!! Peace People!!

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