Thursday, May 8, 2014

You musn't!

There is a Pharisee in each and everyone of us. To the uninitiated, that is the overbearing high and mighty egoistic self who is always on the judgemental warpath, ever ready to display self righteousness.  Often,  self righteousness speaks without you even realising it, more of a habit, than the real  desire to enforce. It has become so much a part of self. Let me illustrate. 

YT was in this beautiful, and she mean really beautiful and meaningful ceremony of transforming darkness into light=the coming of goodness some time ago. She was trying to capture the process of the transformation with her know, what they  say, a picture is worth a thousand words, BUT at that precise moment of a captivating snap, someone hissed loudly behind her..."you mustn't" . Unconsciously, she turned round. Two ladies were glaring. She was amused, but unfortunately, the diversion caused her a good photo opportunity, because when she turned back to resume her task, that  golden moment had past- gone forever.   "Mustn't", uttered without discernment  could sometimes result in a loss of something good. YT doubts, if these two ladies had the serious  intent to obstruct or forbid, it is more the habit of doing what they  always did and observed without the complete understanding of the reasons for the rules.

But upon reflection, isn't   there a  "Pharisee"  in each and everyone of us ?? There are no exception, we are all guilty of being pharisee at some point of our lives. Make no mistake, YT also has her  pharisee moments. Whenever the ego speaks above reasoning, the pharisee comes sweeping in. Whenever, you want others to bend to your will, in comes the pharisee. You listen to me, I know better. You are wrong, I am right!! You seek attention, you work to enhance your visuality, you keep up  appearances for impression sake, not because you genuinely care   etc..etc... Isn't that being pharisee? And many of us are so guilty of those actions but then , that is classified as part and parcel of living. Definition  of the other kind-today's version!!

Is the mustn't word overused in today's living? Are we stopping the creativity and the freedom of will with the many stoppages of  Mustn't??  We forbid without discerning, we criticize , not because there is anything wrong with the actions of another, but because our agenda demands of it.  Have you notice, how society sets rules that if you do not conform to the 'musn't' and heed the  MUST,   you cannot belong??  Mustn't, always come with a certain form of judgement, the enforcement and the obligation of  MUST .... So how do  we maintain a balance? To be discussed ...

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