Saturday, May 3, 2014

Know that you are but a guest in this temporal realm.

The more you advance into time, the  more meaningful God becomes. Is it fear of the ultimate meeting with their Maker that makes man turn more to God in his twilight years, that they take a round about turn from the material to the spiritual??? Does the setting sun finally bring in the realisation that they are travelling on borrowed time;that their visa last only for one life time and that time draws near?? Did it  finally dawn on them that they are mere guests in this temporal world, here on a visa of purpose.  That it is the deeds that count and not the material??You see, you touch, you enjoy but you do not own, nor could you take away,what do not belong to you.

Time shows that it is God who makes or breaks. You make plans, but it is God who decides. Fear of the Lord God brings in the goodness of actions and that results in the grace of blessings bestowed.  The word "fear" is more respect and love of the Creator, the parent figure not to be mistaken for "terror" of the punishing kind. Sinning is quite subjective  but generally, it is going against the natural law of God. Actions that goes against your conscience; that which removes you from Eden,its blessings and your own peace.

Do you know why pain and sufferings abound in this world? It is because, everyone wants to slice off a piece of mother earth for their own keeping -they think they will live forever.

Everyone wants to be a warlord, a Mafia godfather, amassing ...amassing..stepping on the bodies of the unfortunate to rise further and yet higher.

Only when they arrive at their death bed are they awaken to the fact, that they  have to leave everything behind. Naked you came and naked you go. Could you take what does not belong to you?? Everything is given to you on a loan basis just for as long as you breathe.. You do not even own your spirit and your soul. They belong to your Maker and Creator and you have to account for your living. Think about it!! 

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