Thursday, May 15, 2014

Get disconnected to stay connected

Get disconnected to stay connected with your loved ones and friends people! There is nothing more beautiful than a wonderful  warm relationship, person to person connectivity and close  interaction. The magic and wonders of touch, and the feel of the emotions. The understanding that flows to create the harmony and the joy of co-existence. We are a human race born of the flesh and the blood, a very engaging mass of emotions, embedded with the ability to feel pain and joy, the building of relationship. There is  living spirit in the physical human frame which grows with time, and it thrives on the  intermingling on a very REAL basis of see and identify- the touch, the feelings, the togetherness of the relationship to create family, society and community living.We are not machines but humans with unique human needs. We are constantly reaching out and that seeking must be reciprocated in a real acceptance and on a real platform, not in a world of machines.. .

Look around you, remember the beauty and the joy of sitting down as one happy family? Those were the happy days huh?. No machines to compete with family togetherness. You get attention.You feel the love and the cherishment and children grow up so secured!.

Remember? A gathering of friends, you get  the pure joy of down to earth mingling and building up of relationships and rapport-friendship strengthening and understanding enhanced. We share stories, we share experiences. What wonderful times and we build life long friendships!! Out on a date-the boy, girl has each other's individual attention, closeness, a wonderful loving journey of  getting to know each other better and fall more in love, ready for the lifelong commitment....The child, parent relationship..there is so much nurturing and   the building of  values and bonds...BUT today....

Look around you...what a  beautiful world! Full of people and yet what a LONELY world  each human being engrossed in their toys . Each -detached and disconnected from one another , their mind and attention conquered and seduced  by the world  of smart  phones and tablets-, their fingers forever text-ing , their gazed locked  on their electronic gadgets. Not to mention, even the ears were fully given to their mobiles. They don't listen to you anymore. It's their machines they listen to. Machines have taken over. Humans are  now slaves to their machines. They don't know how to make real friends anymore. The beautiful playground where our children used to play are now silent and forlorn. They now seek the virtual playgrounds where couch potatoes' entertainment  and activities abounds. Look at the effects-we get obese  and unhealthy children, who  hates to move their limbs, save except for their fingers and the constant shifting  of their eyes. Virtual friends have taken over the bonds of real friendship. We have all become detached and become citizens of  the Cyber-the artificial and the illusionary world. Once offline, you will realise just how alone you are!!

Parents are giving their young children presents of Ipads, Tablets and smartphones. Let them entertain themselves. It has become such a modern day culture. Strangely, they later on question, why children no longer bond with them!

Humans do not know how to interact anymore. They no longer know how to express in human language but have become experts in the mechanism of the robotic language therefore they retreated more and more into the emotionless world of the virtual.

 So do we want to become a world of robots, the mechanical and the virtual? Do humans want to lose their complete  identities? Isn't it time, humans start to disconnect from their machines and get reconnected to the flesh and the blood- the warm touch and feelings, the relationship, and the bonds which are the natural identities  of humans?  People, you have a choice-make a vital change . Be your own master . Control usage of your machines, know when  to put it down, or become its slave, allowing it to control your mind and your soul.

Start the re-education, beginning with  self and then the people in your lives! Disconnect from the machines to stay connected with the Real world. Believe me,  the meaning of life will become clearer and the values we hold dear in our lives will live again.

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