Monday, May 5, 2014

Self Faith

When you speak of faith to anyone, people normally link it to either the spiritual or the religious. 

To YT, faith and trust in self is equally important. Many of us struggle with self belief and faith and end up  creating huge obstacles for ourselves, when all we need to do is to think positive, stay  calm and look for a way out of problems and difficulties. I love to tell my friends this story. 

Two persons travel along the same road. On a particular stretch of road, potholes abound. The first traveller, stops and sigh. He is unable to move forward. He is overwhelmed. The potholes are just too big for him to handle. He stayed rooted to the spot- stagnant. The second traveller, looks at the potholes. Big and deep –yes, but he reckons, he could still pass through this stretch of road safely. He  then manoeuvres and carefully moves around it, Hei, he manages it and so he move on , abeitly at a slower pace BUT he is progressing.  

One has the confidence and trust in his own ability to overcome the potholes.  He takes it in his stride. He is willing to try and overcome. Challenges are afterall to be conquered. He acts and use his abilities to move about and around and he keeps his forward movement. The other turns negative. Self doubt creeps in. He is paralysed by fear. He cannot go on. All he sees are obstacles and blockages. He stays stagnant and drowns in his difficulties.  

Strange as it may sound, faith and belief in self  plays a huge part in   the well being of a person. If you are a positive person, the energy of your faith lifts you up, your steps are lighter. You see more blooms and hear soothing music. The negative,  on the other hand only sees darkness and because he refuses to look about and around him, he  keeps falling into the same potholes. He is full of bruises, laden  with anxieties, and unable to move forward. His stress builds up. Ultimately, that affects his health and he is constantly in ill health..

Though it is a constant struggle to preserve Confidence and self faith,  never give up, never stop believing in self and never lose sight of your goals. Put your mind to the task;  you will be surprised, how life smiles at you. Move forward positively and progressively. Does that not spell achievement ultimately and doesn't that bring in the satisfaction that keep your well-being in robust health?

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