Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Have & Have nots. What's your definition?

Isn’t it true that even the grass tasted sweet to those whose stomachs growl for food? There is this picture of  a African child eating  dirt somewhere in Africa. Someone sent it to me with a remark that  in some parts of the world , even the grounds are licked clean by hungry children wanting to have a little something for their starved and swollen  tummy. Over here,   in the land of abundance, greedy people are piling food on to their plates and when they cannot finish the mountain of food,  without any guilt, they  dumped them into the garbage bin. Problem solved. Did it ever occurred to these people that their unwanted food is survival, gold   to the hungry? That food dumped could have fed many a hungry child??  Shouldn't they  make it a habit of taking just sufficient so that they  could  finish what they had taken? That  way, no good food  would be thrown away.

Then, there was  this  homeless man rumbling through the garbage bins, searching for crumbs. Nearby some youngsters couldn't finish their burgers. So in, it goes into the bin. The homeless man who was watching, sprang forward. Quick as a wink, he retrieved them and happily gobbled them up, licking his fingers in obvious enjoyment. Wonderful! Today it’s fresh food, no stale food. Tummy filled, he lay down on his usual spot  under the bridge. With a satisfied pat on his tummy, he closed his eyes, and soon he was snoring away. Sleep came so easily. Happiness to  him, is  food , any food in his tummy and a roof over his head- what does it matter if  it's just the cold hard floor? What does it matter if he has to share the “shelter” under the bridge with scores of homeless people? Those are friends who provided him with company, a sense of belonging and sharing. Yet many of us with our soft mattress and pillows still lament our lack of fortune.

What is the definition of  'have' and enough? It is subjective, depending very much on the individual. Some, may have only one meal a day, but it's  enough to keep them happy and smiling. Some may have three meals  a day and yet are envious of others who get to go for supper every night, or eat in high class environments. 

Have you notice that the more you earn, the more you have, the more you want? Of course, the harder, you fall asleep? Happy are those who realise the gift of what they have and are thankful. They do not long for more, neither do they go around comparing their lacking with others. Happy are those who are quick to thank and appreciate, but then humans, being humans, how many of us are in that category???

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