Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Questions, Memory in Life's Journey

You lead me through so many pastures and before I knew it, I'm in contemporary times, travelling like lightning towards the exit into the realm of  yet another mysterious home calling.What is this process, the crossing over from the physical to the spiritual,  this passing  into rebirth into a new body and into a different identity, and into another time?

 What is this  purpose, the recasting headlong into yet another lifetime journey, the recycle? Is this a necessary serial to the  original, a re-walk to perfect the unsteady steps of the vagabond, who understood so little and had passed this way without sight and vision before?

What is this return, is it  a retracing of steps, to relive and carry out the learnings of  a previously  failed or mediocre attempt?  Is it because purpose had been previously waylaid, unfulfilled  and the  cosmic laws calls for a re-entry to polish up and achieve to measurements? Some religious beliefs have it that souls return, are reborn to new existence- some come in, on a perfectly clean slate, completely free of memory, yet others are left with snatches of the previous past, fragmentations, which flashes and provokes,  the familiarity of times and places past, which may mould the steps and colour the scenes of their new existence. Is this the way of the earthly realm? What is this strange memory, that draws one back to the past, the reconnection...the strange yet profound feeling, I have been through this way before...I know him, I know her...The echo of conversations that came flooding back  as one stood on  the hill top, on a bridge?? What is it that makes one a millionaire and another a pauper? The karma of a past in another time? What is it that draws or repels one to another? How do you explain the child genius and the like, if not for those 'acquired' knowledge of another time?

Memory, it is a energy charged preservation storehouse of vivid and significant images and captions. It is a treasure chest of the 'before', leading to the'forward'.  It is the past, that part of our history, filled with our lived before experiences and  knowledge, and they lie waiting,  in readiness to relive again in  the present (something) and bring more significance to' would be' events. It is like,a  triggering of a specific past that is related to a present 'something' and poh! you see something so clearly. Amazing!  Philosophers and researchers, scientists, believe that babies have extra-ordinary senses. At one time, people defined it as having extra sensory powers, a sharper intuition and that  may be linked to past experiences. I interpret it to mean, knowledge acquired  from another time. When I reflected and travel  back a little to when I was a little girl, I discovered that the younger years were wonderfully imaginative and creative years. I could spin stories off a blank wall and coax  a spring out of the desert-the magic of language and expressions...but  of course, I never realised the value and significance of those skills  the treasure it contains, until now when the evening sun starts to set. (I took it for granted) Needless to say,  I gradually lost those amazing skills, without recognising its significance  as  I plunged into puberty, adulthood and the noise of the world shut out those 'knowledge filled memories and skills'. The love of the English language too was like something so natural...it was like a continuity of something  which was always a part of me, necessary like the skin which covers  my physical frame.

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