Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cahayasuara Communications Centre-Media Skill Workshop

Marie was at the Holy Redeemer  Church  one morning and  something at the church bulletin board caught her eye. A Write Design Media Skill Workshop and at a cost, she could afford! Impulse and Curosity  whispered, "Why Not??"

Finding the place was a muddle,  for Madame Marie, that seems to be the norm, she got lost yet again, rounded the inner roads of Kuala Lumpur no less than three times, before she finally decided to stop and asked for directions and hey Ah Beng! it was just two right turns and a left and there you are, your destination!

Did she find the course useful and interesting??? Perhaps,a little on the basic side..Can't really complain though-RM60/- for a full day's course, two tea breaks and lunch thrown in, that's  value enough there, but hey folks, the bonus was a young and talented Miss A Karen, a main stream media reporter sharing her knowledge and expertise, dishing out some very useful tips and don'ts.   And she did a great job too. The morning session that is,  was of a standard, Marie had not expected, and although Miss Karen lost it there for the afternoon session,- folks,  the big pie was  distributed in the morning itself and  ...overall, that course was worth every single cent and more!

If you are just starting out and wanting to learn how to is definitely a must attend.  There are two more sessions coming up...Saturday 21st (feature writing) and 28th August 2010. (publications) would be writers.....those seeking basic writing skills ...,  give it a try. Might pick up a gem or two.

A group of interesting,  experienced and qualified participants and Marie sure enjoyed her day socialising and brushing up on her skills!

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