Sunday, August 8, 2010


Faith is believing with a certainty in something that is yet unseen..... confident assurance. YT like that definition.  Yes, Sir, she does...Faith is Strong belief in or trust of someone...Absolutely! but it is having the trust with a certainty in the yet unmaterialised, yet  unseen....that is worthy of note. ....Faith gives us that urge and the push to keep on going, to conquer terrains, to climb mountains and  tame challenges. And people! faith give us that strong conviction to keep on achieve, to hold on firm to our belief and principles despite opposition and persecution. We visualize, we crystallise and make solid that vision to make that a part of our achieved goals.  The Lord tells us that everything is possible with faith and all things are possible to him who believes...

We know not what tomorrow brings but we trust and believe in a certainty that there will be a fresh new day , ...there will be continuity..... When we place our faith in God, that is divine, we are safe there....but we humans have the habit of cultivating bad faith, trusting the wrong people in our lives, falling into temptations and doing the wrong things. We somehow have the tendency to sway towards nebulosity, we are easily snarled by the seemingly smooth fronts of people, surface beauty and then we fall into the traps of life's failures and hurts and then the  questioning begins...Keep awake and light your lamps, the Lord says, in readiness to open the door when the master of the house comes home and knock on the is a reminder to keep our human weakness in control and keep our spirits in the light of the Lord...

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