Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poor Beggars or rich towkays???

People,  does anyone know how much, one could earn from begging??? One source said RM8,000/-!!! That is a wow figure! Imagine, just sitting in a crowded public area, body hunched, head bent...waiting for generosity to drop into your plastic container placed in front of you! You do nothing, except look pitiful and stretch out your hands and generosity showers upon you!

YT is curious, yes, she is and one of these days, she might just don one of those beggar clothes and  step into the beggar's lair and drink with the very wealthy towkays of the pavements, shop corridors and street corners, just to taste a little of  that special experience - how it feels like to live off the pockets of your kind hearted fellow men.. well, just for one day..(..)....  for the sheer want of capturing and bagging  that begging experience;  and perhaps even scooping, an opportunity to understand the plight of the poor and homeless who has no means of income except to beg. ???.  Some people even claimed, begging has become a lucrative industry of its own...There is gold in begging! Well what says you???

True or not, the curious in this writer wants to touch the 'how it feels like" to  stretch out one's hands to receive charity and  for free money. What feels- standing on the street stage and tugging at the heart strings of the general public, all day long, day in , day out???. Are those reported big bucks true or  pure nonsense???Does a person feel degraded, does he feel an outcast, ashamed of his condition,,etc...etc...what  whispers  the inner most heart,  feelings that none could ever understand, except those carrying the beggars bowl for survival/??..Or is it just business...all in a day's work and really,  what is there to feel???

Whatever the situation, whatever the true picture, fact still stands out that while foreign beggars are making their fortunes  here, the local people, our unemployed young graduates are crying out for survival and the working class are finding it hard to make a living in our very own land where inflation has set in ......and purchasing power of our hard earned money...begging for the values of our former glory....

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