Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Virtues of Discipline- Hebrews 12

Funny, never thought of God disciplining, those whom he loves and receives into His fold.  What values Discipline and what significance its role in life's journey???? The picture of a loving Father correcting and moulding us his children, for our good that we may share in His Holiness! Awesome!

If we could  practice teaching and disciplining our children because we wish the best for them, , how much more the Father of Life, for us,whom  He had accepted as His sons and daughters???. When we love and care enough, for certain people in our lives,  it is natural that we   point out their shortcomings and faults that they may correct themselves, improve, change for the better  and progress well in life. If such attributes are not there, would anyone bother to speak out???  Marie for one, would just zip her lips and look the other way.....perhaps ,  a polite smile and a look of "no comments" , on her face! But if it is people she cares can't stop the ocean of words that rolls off her tongue...Tell Marie if that is not the same with you folks as well!!!

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later  it yields the peaceful fruits of righteousness to those who have been trained by it....Hebrews 12:11

Now people! isn't that truth, in its purest form??? Marie is just amazed how relevant every single word and text which comes out of the Bible ....Those who had  received discipline and learnt from them, emerged from the narrow and crooked into the wide and straight roads....where they continue their journey in peace and contentment, and there is great promise of reaching home safely- to be with the Lord.  Those not blessed, with discipline and chastening , and allowed to grow in their crookedness.....cries in bitterness when no good came of their unlightened ways and suffer they, the consequences of darkness and pain.
This brought to mind, a story, told by Marie's mum  when she was young... A real story...and the scene - a prison somewhere in Taiping. A mother visited her only son for the last time in prison- before he was sent to the gallows.... He was her only son and she loved him so much that she gave in to his every whims and fancies. She had such high hopes for him.....As she  lovingly fed him his last meal, he pushed the food away, wept inconsolably  and asked her, " Why didn't you disciplined me when I was bad Mother?? Why didn't you punished me when you should???If you had scolded and canned me. then mother,..I would not be here today!"   The mother was utterly heart broken!  She was struck by a grief beyond words, with the  Realisation that  She was the one who sent her only son to the gallows.....and story has it that she lost her mind and wondered around the village, ..until mercifully death claimed her.....

Discipline! you are the virtue that  spells goodness nurtured !

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