Monday, August 2, 2010

Discipline the- vital tool for character building

YT simply cannot believe it, some people are saying that if children  were made to stand on chairs and tables as punishment, they  would fall down and hurt themselves. As she remembers  it,  this writer had her fair share of standing on tables and chairs, during her school days. Did her no harm , nobody got hurt ...and there were a couple of times,  the whole class were made to stand on  tables because we were so noisy.  Some could not  stand still and would fidget on the table tops causing the tables to fall either forward or sideways, bringing down the rest of the tables near them...As she remembers it, the girls would simply jump away from the falling tables without suffering a scratch., put the tables back  upright and continue standing  until, the punishment was over..

Of course, we would cover our faces with our books so that friends from other classes would not know, it was us who were  being punished..but that did not take away our confidence...or humiliate us, in such a way, that we felt shamed forever, it was just punishment for some misdeeds, and we took it in our stride and learn from each punishment. Infact, we even build up stronger characters from being punished, we learn right from wrong.

Perhaps, in those days past,  we  had healthier mindsets- ...we exercise more, running-100m, 200m, 400m etc..., basket ball, net ball,high jump..volley ball...long jump...that our limbs had become so strong and sprightly that we could fall without hurting ourselves...  we would just spring up like a rubber ball, and go bouncing away.. We could view everything so positively, and simply learn from our mistakes.

Today, kids hardly exercise...they sit in front of PCs,  the idiot box, or text  their life away. The only parts they exercise were the eyes and can we expect??? Lazy and soft bones which breaks easily...minds so confined to what they see in computer games, TV shows...that they view things  differently ...parents become ultra-protective where discipline are concerned, sparing the rod..not teaching....not developing or helping  their kids to grow  as they should, some even preventing teachers from doing their jobs. Everything is a legal case, so much so that some kids grew up with the idea that they could get away with blue murder. Remember all the bullying cases, gangsterism, students threatening teachers...drug abuse etc...negativeness and all the truancy in schools....we read about in papers??That  came about because we did not do our parental duties well , we naively thought that was love, BUT.....
Perhaps, if we were to encourage more healthy living, more social interactions ,  BLOCK OUT race or creed,.start disciplining our kids like the days past,  teaching and instilling good values, good morals, strong religious beliefs, respect for their parents, elders, teachers etc...CHARACTER BUILDING....we could reverse the deteriorating trend and rebuild a culture of  positiveness, love and respect for one another,  healthy individuals.. , high morals ...  brilliant minds, who could think for themselves, and establish a future for themselves and  for the land they call home....  .

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