Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sleep vs exercise

Which  is more important, getting enough sleep of at least 7 hours per night, which means enough rest for your body to self heal from within  or exercise yourself to the lean and mean? Say, you lead a very successful but stressful life, and manages with 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Will exercise make up for the lack of rest ...pump you up with  health  and increase your life span???

Recently,  media attention were drawn on people, who exercise a lot, appears healthy  and fit externally,  successful....mostly the "have it all"... but dying of heart attacks at a relatively young age..and at the prime of their life and career-early forties to be exact. A few days ago, a radio talk show, discussed this topic in depth.   Appears that an overdose of exercise could be actually bad for the may be injuring yourself, hurting  your bones  etc.. with  wrong types of exercise, wearing wrong shoes etc..and that could  lead to osteoporosis, later on in life. Athletes and sportsman are known to suffer from   health problems , knee, ankle, back problems, muscular pains etc......quite possibly caused by over strenuous exercise;  pushing themselves above their limits etc..

Marie for one thinks too much exercise is bad. Infact anything in access is BAD news! Further more, once a person enters into an exercise regime, that person has to stick to it for as long as goodness know how long....maybe forever.... otherwise...for some reason, weight bounces up and fat accumulates...some people like Yours Truly,  double their size once they stop exercising. She remembered wearing size 29 jeans up till  her daughter was 10 years old. Unfortunately, she though she was overweight  and starting  jogging and exercising. Then, work put a stop to all the exercising AND.....she just ballooned up..up and up........Never could slip  into a size 29  jeans ever again....maybe one leg....Now with all the weight gained, her knees suffered...and her bones creaked....not to mention, the granny feeling.
And sleep?? YT is a great believer and a great fan of sleep. Even with 7 hours sleep, she still feels sleep deprived. Her  friends talk about waking up after 7.00a.m.- seven something they said... that,  dear people, would be a  luxury to madame. Happy are those who  work near the vicinity of their homes. 8.00a.m.,  and there is still plenty of time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, some toasted bread, with half boiled eggs, and then take a slow drive to work!  Yea, That would be life!

What do you think?? Which is more important..sleep or exercise-???? Perhaps a little exercise such as walking, yoga, tai chi, swimming and more sleep huh???

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