Thursday, August 26, 2010

From the Heart, Malaysia!

Politics! They talk about abuse of letterheads, they pick on petty issues to do the war dance, when there are more important matters of the state and nation to attend to.....Sure, those who make mistakes, must be educated, disciplined ,but keep that internal and then move on to more important and pressing tasks.Have they noticed  how disintegration is  eating into  a nation born of such great promise, causing massive cracks and a weakening of structure ? Fifty three years of independence ...and the nation finds itself embroiled in  racial, religious and political disintegration, uneasy harmony,  lack of respect for fellowmen, indiscipline, among our youths.  etc..etc.......Our own declining values, starting from homes, schools, colleges of higher learning spreading  over the nation....unemployment....dipping reserves, inflation,  the many dumping of babies, the increase in crimes and robberies , etc...etc...and our elects continue their fights over use of letterheads????

A popular radio station has been incessantly reminding us ,"1Malaysia, that is what we were and that is what we will become again!" Will we really be able to recapture the essence of our former status, glory and achievement??? We, the older generation, who had walked every step of the 53 years with this beloved Nation, and had known deep  belonging and a wonderful bond with this land, we call Home, laments the disintegration, sweeping in... We had cultivated and fostered wonderful and long lasting friendships.. where  Ali,  Ah Chong and Muthu were such good friends.. and .race was never an issue......1 Malaysia, can we really re-capture that same spirit again?? For Peace and for all  our  sakes, this writer really hope so..
One Malaysian Identity, One Race..One united Malaysian Spirit!! , we call out for the good sense and the determination to cultivate, to build, and preserve the realisation of this vision, a very concrete and strong Home Base, for our future generation. Wake up, People., it is time to be pro-active... reach out to one another, cut across race, religion and social   barriers, start the healing and unity process otherwise our vision of  1Malaysia  may just  remain  a Talking Dream! 53rd Merdeka! May you be the beginning of solidarity, friendship, love & respect, understanding  for one another, Oneness of Spirit and Much Peace! We love you Malaysia!!!

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