Monday, January 21, 2013

Chewing Gum from the Sunday Homily.

Do your best and leave the rest to God or Leave it in God's Hands and You just do your best?? Is there a difference? Let's just dissect. 

The first do your part -calling upon your self belief and trust in God, you work hard, sweat out your action and leave your achievements in the hands of God....

The second...Everything is in the hands of God. God materialises all wants- and if it is the will of God, you will achieve. 

Both has got a strong element of Faith...both has God as the provider of achievement and attainment. The first statement is proactive......self action + the grace of God = achievement . The second? Achievements is dependent on God's plans. You just try to stay balanced and on course. Fatalistic - working along the predestined path of God's provision...

What do you think folks? 

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