Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Golden Jubilee -Sister Marie Regina de Lourdes

Father Albert led his brother priests in the
Jubilee mass celebrations for Sr. Regina and what
an  awesome celebration it was!!

 Present- Fr. Surain
Fr. David,Fr. George
What a splendid affair! What a splendid Golden Jubilee celebrations for Sister Marie Regina de Lourdes at OLL last evening! Despite the heavy downpour, many turned up for the celebration mass. Friends, relatives, supporters from Little Sister of the Poor, Cheras where sister Regina is now based, a host of priests to jointly preside over the mass celebrations plus  well wishers and parishioners coming to celebrate with her. Wow!

. When you are celebrating 50 years of religious life, it is really something- very cherished  to have the community turning out in full force to celebrate your golden milestone with you and Sister Marie Regina de Lourdes must have been  overwhelmed  - and indeed she was! She was expressive of her appreciation in her thank you speech - the warmth  and  heartfelt support she received from the parish of OLL, the parish priest and all who had come and added  good presence in her honour.

renewing her vows-Sr. Regina
Fr. Michael , in his homily reminded the congregation that this celebrations, was in fact  a glorification and thankgiving of God's  grace and goodness that Sister Regina had fruitfully journeyed her 50 years well, doing God's work. To be a religious is a beautiful expression of  loving God, manifesting in an act of  life time devotion to carrying out His will.

It was not only a thanksgiving celebrations, for Sr. Regina,  it was also a  time
to renew her vows of devotion to God and Sr. Regina did it without hesitation...she is happy in her calling and her voice rang out strong and vibrant and still very much believing. Bravo Sister! Watching and listening in, Yours Truly was touched...and a little awed. Being a religious has its own  good values..Look what a big family she has..- all eager to share in her happiness and wishing her many more happy days and years serving God.

After the mass , the celebrations continued with a fellowship dinner for all who came. Catching up with old friends and relatives and overflowing good food!! ..That people ,  is the OLL trade mark for all its fellowship. !!

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