Sunday, January 13, 2013


Water, is good. but too much can be disastrous, in the context of nature.In the great flood...water destroys and brought forth new beginning    There is so much meaning in the terminology  "Water" ..We talk about the Water of life..Water which quench our thirst......Come all you who are thirsty come to the waters...Isaiah 55:1  . We speak of the Water of Baptism....sins dissolved -death of original self - birth of a new creation .. emergence of a new person .It is a  picture of a disease ridden person, full of pain and sorrow, dirty and displaced...walking into the water of  life and immerses himself into the love of God and walks out - a new person-thoroughly cleansed and healed...a lovely picture of radiance -sparkling clean , waking into the face of promise and hope!. That person has been given a new lease of life..a new beginning, robust health to start live anew!

Currently-  Water is in the water for consumption in certain areas, the taps are dry.....people have to carry heavy pails of water up high rise flats..there was a picture of an elderly lady..plain  exhaustion on her face as she carried two pails of water...back breaking for an old lady whose bones is already fragile...another can be seen holding her sides as she took a rest near a car, her pail of water by her side...and yet, there is so much rain....there are floods...and landslides caused by supposedly not maintained leaking pipes...There was even a talk about the situation continuing on right to Chinese new year!! Imagine the anger and disgust of residents and those who have the right to vote!

This morning, I was all ready for my little walk, but had to rain...the wrong time - I would spoilt my plans.

For me...I rather look at Water in the Christian context...Water -it holds so much promise and so much hope..when we look into the face of one person...the Person of the Lord Jesus  and frankly, whichever way, you look at it..when you are thirsty and in need of water and someone offers it to you are immensely grateful and you thank God !!

Just some grumbles and yet marvelling at the love of God of the mornings!!

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