Saturday, January 12, 2013

True Friends & Angels

True friends are like angels who stay firmly by your side through thick and thin. Even if distance divide you, they would find a way to reach you through the divides to comfort and lend a hand. They are happy for you in good times and feel for you at other times. They coaxed you out of your zero zone... steadily on  to  1,2.3, 4,5..and soon you are alright again!

Sometimes, God sends His angels...when you call out to Him in strangers and yet they appear out of the blues ...stopping  to help  and put a smile back to your face!!

I remember one time,  I was still on the highway, going home after work. It was  a rain thrashed night and I was going slowly. Suddenly, the car started jerking...something showed a  maximum red.. I don't know what...don't ask me, but I know I was in trouble.. so, I sent up a silent prayer, well, actually, not so silent..there was a lot of God please let me reach home safely....please..please..

Somehow, I managed to crawl into one of the petrol station near home- an Esso petrol station  . It was almost nine..and I parked in an empty parking space and proceeded to open my bonnet..ha! as though I know anything about cars......I stared at it perplexed. A total stranger  came up and offered his help . One look and he told oil empty....You're lucky, the engine didn't freezed up..He took charged and got me the correct oil to buy and helped me filled it up, before going on his way. God sent angel??? You tell me!!

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