Sunday, January 20, 2013

Down with the Big Bad Flu

It was a mother of a flu I caught a week ago and it left me so weaken, I found myself sleeping my life away...This morning..even my  stomach was not spared...wind was running up and down .. horribly uncomfortable.

It is now more than a week after I caught the virus, and  I  still  cough uncontrollably and at the wrong times.. despite taking all my medication faithfully. I still feel dizzy. The irony is that the young laddie who generously passed  his flu virus to me was as fit as a fiddle when he came into class yesterday while I was limp as death. Ah well...where health is concerned, you can't fight with the young!

Now I am more convinced than ever that health is the greatest wealth of the new era...without health...many of us, especially the autumners...are dead meat-left isolated in a corner.. When you are sick, only you feel the pain and the distress.., no one can suffer pain on your are no longer a child...and you are no longer  eligible for get well hugs....those are reserved for the young. At most you get mummers of sympathies and " get well soon"  messages SO, whether you are a spring duckling or an old quack quack, it pays to keep that part of your wealth corner strong and vibrant. ..Spare me a little space in your daily prayers folks!!

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