Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Lord is Deliverance

To the Suffering- A call for resilience...
They  sabotaged our dreams and steal the fruits of talents entrusted us's the glorification of  God's gifts and talents , they try to dim, suppress and obscure- for is He not the Owner and Master of what have been entrusted us -until His return???But He is watching- He sees all...He hears the silent weeping of hurting hearts and surely, in His compassion-His love for His very own creation, He will not allow the   smog and the desert to last forever!!! 

Entrust yourself to the Lord God and Deliverance comes to you!!

Marie Lee is moving into  motivational blogging. This is a year when Health is Wealth and Wealth is the contentment of hearts and souls. That is the new good living-peace within self. In this fast paced, hurry burry "kiasu"  world of ours...the fittest survives well. For many of us, who cannot run fast enough , it is good to know that you are not alone in your struggles and pain. There are plenty of people out there , who need healing balm for their hearts and bashed up emotions and what better than  God inspired light bulbs and good food for the chewing?? 

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