Sunday, February 17, 2013

Who am I???

What am I? Who am I?
I don't know, I really don't:
I'm searching, scouring the lands
for an identity...
The key that opens
recognition and crown
me who I am...

Bubbles of dreams led me
Oceans, mountains and valleys
Many a time, deserts,
With naught an oasis in sight;
And the frightening maze , 
closing and closing in 
upon me...
Abandoned, lost  within...

How often have I look heavenwards
and questioned ...who am I?
Dear God-
What is your purpose for me?
What means this journey
crafted  me???

Spring had come and gone;
summer too..
I've crossed into the Autumn horizon
Bones aching yet passion never flagging -
Persistently searching..and searching
The elusive doorway
into the land of fulfilled dreams....

Somehow, I believe  greater plans 

are there for me-
And it will come to pass.
It's this faith and trust 
that keeps the fire burning,
Until my Attainment Star
is affixed in its rightful place,
the shinning gallery
of achievements
Up the brighten skies above!!

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