Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trinity as model of communion

Sunset Mass,  portion of the overflowing crowd
outside the church building
Dynamic and passionate -that was the speaker who spoke on " Trinity as model of communion" -such boundless energy!! Powerful arresting expressions!, Such feeling! One could not help but become immediately immersed in what he was delivering.

Fr. Lawrence -dynamic
That was the Parish Priest from St.Anne's Port Klang.

Hei!  just who are these guys ??
Last evening  this dynamic speaker issued a very strong invitation to all - renew and fortify   faith and relationship with the Lord God -be reconciled that we, may build up and experience that  continuous sense of belonging to.the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. God is in our midst, he said  whether it is during Eucharistic celebrations, in the church building, or  BEC level. The Holy Trinity is the model for us to exist in a believing community, in harmony and at peace with one another-united without  diversity.

Be  worthy witnesses of the Gospel  he urged .  

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