Monday, February 4, 2013


Fr. Surain, expounding the
power of Hope in its certainty
What is Hope?? Hope says  Fr. a pilgrimage, the  journey forward -towards a new Heaven, into the Kingdom of God at the end of time. It is   SURE fulfilment,-secured through steadfast trust , faith and belief in the promises of  God. Not  something you long for but  really -not very sure of getting. Certainly not the "what to do? Can only hope lah-wishful thinking-where you keep your fingers crossed, but deep think maybe you have 50% chance of achievement. The hope lah- desire.

Fr. Surain with Parish Priest Fr. Michael Chua at OLL
Christian Hope is led by the firm footsteps of faith  to an assured heavenly destination, and this evening, we were awakened to the fact that the end had already been proclaimed right from the start- glimpses of the end and what to expect- shone from the Book of Life itself-pages of the  Gospels, The Apocalypse-The Book of Revelation and so forth. The daily read of  the Word of God-takes us through..the passages,   the  promises of  the fruits of accepting and walking the way of the Lord-with Him. They are the nectars which sustains and nurture the growth of our personal relationship with our God and builds up our Faith in Him.We are called to take firm, concrete steps towards the Kingdom of God  -wherein lies our rights to claim, the fulfilment to what God  promise us .   The word,"Doubt",  does not exist in the Dictionary of Faith.  
Lining up for Nasi Lemak and
drinks.They do feed
us well. Thanks donors!!

Fr. Surain's homily is real good stuff!!  When someone is down and loses sight of tomorrow and what it presents......this new definition and its message of Hope in its Certainty and Surety gives fresh strength and energy.. renew vigour to the spirit and soul. It magnify the glory of the end...when we finally made it across the finishing line and it is a mighty  good feeling knowing that the Lord stands waiting to embrace and welcome us into the Kingdom of God.. Whatever we are going through - whatever we have to go through...bah! that's  just  temporary.  Home awaits... Heaven awaits!. Doesn't that comfort and give you renew purpose in journeying??

God gives different talents to different people..even those called to shepherd and OLL is so blessed. She is  so blessed with gifted priests...those who came , touched our hearts and left to carry on God's work in their own parish and are back to strengthen  the faith of the flocks they left behind- our current parish team - sent as beacon of lights-shining into darkening corridors and inner spaces, of weary travellers  to lend strength and  fire up their belief  that faith spring up  and burn strong and steady once more,   and their  ears heed  the call - return to the pasture of the Lord and be recognised as people of God!

The happening event -The Annual Feast Day celebrations of the parish is on Monday, 11th February this year. 

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