Sunday, February 3, 2013

What is Love??

Love is caring for another without expecting anything in return. That's the Christian definition of love preached by  Father Simon Labrooy   in his homily last evening at the Sunset Mass in OLL - an inspiration from the  letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians ...he talks about the mending of bridges...doing away with fractions, through the power and actioning of Christian love.   Is there anything  more beautiful than 1 Corinthians 13:4??
Surely  not the mushy marshy mass of entangled human emotions which leaves you hot  and high up among the clouds one moment, then , cold  and in the dumps in the next...The human love has plenty of " give me!!...give me.!!....I want! I want! rights  expectancy which are the compositions of  human emotions and feelings , we  call love. Father Simon made me laugh. with his  "do I look good in this dress?" illustration..How many times were we told... be do not want to hurt somebody's feelings and yet here is this very charismatic priest telling is proclaiming the TRUTH., Love is  when you tell the TRUTH !!

How right he is, nobody likes the truth. Sometimes telling the truth could spell your doom...all of you who had fallen down the pit of truth would attest to that!! People hate you when you tell them the truth and yet many a time- painful as it is, Truth is what sets you free.

It was a joy listening  to Father Simon- down to earth - he knocks gently and yet powerfully to awaken your sleeping common sense!!

OLL is celebrating their annual Parish Feast and Novena 2013 with the theme- Mary, Model of Unity-One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism! There is a healing mass on Saturday, 9th February. This promises to be time of faith renewal and getting to know God once again. All of us were just so busy dancing around  our worldly commitments that  God is crowded out. This is a good time to come before God and tell Him...Forgive Lord, please renew our ties and never let us lose sight of you-ever. Without You-where is love??? What is love??

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