Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One God-Love Him

Blessing the young people
Fr. Albert with Fr. Michael Chua &
Fr. Peter

Who is this  priest who got the congregation in stitches..laughing///giggling, enjoying homily?? It was like, he was having a conversation with the congregation and they just  loved his interactive style. He brought life into the church building . The  sombre atmosphere normally  reserved for homilies was non existent..

Yours Truly was resigned  to wait out the Tamil  homily, having heard the English version  earlier...when lo and behold...she heard giggles and laughters. She looked around..young and old..they were laughing. What about??? She looked at her very Chinese looking neighbour . She too was laughing ...her curiosity heightened, she asked this lady..." You understand Tamil? What is he saying?" Oh..Rev is saying..something about..treating TV as god... Burst of laughters every now and then demanded that I  turn to my new found  lady friend for interpretation and then I started to smile too. Appeared the Rev.was  sharing some  home truths, we were all happily guilty of...and it was  kind of ticklishly we had built these  must have little  gods into our living space , without even realising it. We do not realise it oR do we??That we have made idols of these clay gods. 

That was Fr. Albert Arokiasamy , hometown -Kuala Selangor - huge part of him- Klang.... First parish priest of  our  Fr. Michael Chua...and that would put him in the mentor league, surely. And he was in OLL this evening with a powerful message that there is only one God- a Powerful and Supreme God who creates and makes all things possible. A God who loves unconditionally ...Revere, honour and love Him, that was the passionate call of this very likeable Shepherd. of God.

What is expected of us as children and people of God?

Deuteronomy 6:5 and Mark 12: 30  tells us:-

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 

Later, after the Eucharistic celebrations, it was  showers of blessings for  youths of the parish  .Tomorrow's celebrations will include   blessings for children, expectant mothers and those who wish for children. Do come with your family and friends. 

This family was seen
enjoying the mee hoon!!
This evening, the hungry were fed  mee hoon and drinks...such abundance !!YT loved their yummy goodness!  God bless  all donors!!

Let's take a peek=who was on duty at the Chapel last night-looking after pilgrims who had come  to view the glass panels with the  image of the Holy Mother.

Two beautiful ladies stand before me...

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