Wednesday, May 29, 2013

BEC news

picture-illustration only
I was at my BEC Potluck night -the closing of the Rosary month, last evening. This amazing husband came with a birthday cake for his wife and we all sang our heart out to wish her Happy Birthday. Who wouldn't when this man so lovingly stood by her side while, she made her wish , blew her candle, cut her cake and then fed her a piece of  heart?? Hei, Mr. Husband, that was a lovely gesture, a lovely gesture indeed!!  

The BEC dug into their kitty and came up with a lovely Mother's Day cake for all Mothers as well, and we got the men to sing a Mother's day song for all mothers and sang they did, beautifully too, to the tune of the happy birthday song sang earlier. 
See you at the next rosary guys!!

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