Sunday, May 26, 2013

Do not give to dogs what is holy; Do not throw your pearls before swine. lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you. Matthew 7:6.
Bible Reflections-Marie Lee

I have pondered over these words, a hundred and one times, at times questioning, at times critical,  at times wondering. As the days grew longer and the evening sun shone in, I realise just how wise those words were...For what do those who do not comprehend and totally oppose our belief  care about or recognise the holiness of our holies and our reverence of what we consider sacred? To them, , that is just object, of no substance, or relevance.  Knowledge is not opened to them.

To those outside the pasture, the holy cross is just a cross. To the people of God, it represents Salvation, redemption, the unconditional love of a Father for his children barred from Paradise because of the sins of their first parents and now given a chance to return and be reconciled with the Father and Creator . He- loving them so much, comes as  His Only begotten Son to bring in Salvation and Reconciliation. Do you see the image of The Prodigal Son-The undying love, of a welcoming Father who forgives, even though He was so hurt and so wronged??

What do  unbelievers, those who have no knowledge  of  Jesus, the Christ as the Redeemer-understand the bond, the lifeline that is the Body and Blood of Christ? We have heard of people wearing the clothes and mask of the faithful,infiltrating into the pasture . They receive the Holy Body of Christ, only to scorn its goodness , its  holiness and in private, throw it away......trample under foot.  In the words of the Lord Jesus, Forgive them Father, they do not know what they do. Their eyes do not see the precious pearl, the Holy Spirit is not with them- they have not been chosen... privilege and grace have not been given them. Truly,  only when the Father ordains -faith flows in  and with it the life force, the belief, the adoring heart- the reverence  the peace and harmony of  being with God-the Father Almighty. 

Many paths lead to God...not all are chosen to walk in the light of Christ...

Next- the relevance to everyday living-non religious significance.

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