Thursday, May 2, 2013

Begin with Foresight & Homework

The toil of a fool wearies him. so that he does not know his way to the city. Ecclesiastes 10:12

I say to myself, where is the fruit of your toiling? Is it still in the wind? From sunrise to the setting sun, you had toiled oh, so hard but alas! the grounds you tilled were not right for the fruit trees you planted and it bore no yields!! And you are back to square one, poorer than ever before!! 

A wise man procure a piece of land, but before he plants his seedlings, he does his homework, He tests the ground, the soil ...he plans, he studies..he knows exactly what it takes and where he is going..checking every detail and only when he is sure, he put in his resources, efforts and start to toil and success   smiles upon him. Preparation is important to him. 
A fool plunge headless-ly  into his dream -he toils all spring and summer, using only heart and no head. Only when  harvest comes, he realises his mistakes. Homework was not on his committed  task list. He had gambled his resources and time away!!

That's the difference between a fool , a loser even before he begins his mission and the wise and  successful man, who has foresight , prudence and puts them to good use!!

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