Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The steps of man are from the Lord, and He establishes him in whose way He delights; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord is the stay of his hand.-Psalms 37:23-24
Bible Reflections-MarieLee

Everyman who walks upon the face of the earth is provided  with a skeleton frame leading to his destiny but the Lord allows his creation, his people to fill in their own colours and paint their own horizon,  a free will to chose which route, which direction, he chooses to get to that destination.

How fulfilled, how well you are when reach your destination depends on the  choices you make in life. Do you allow God to lead you steadily and surely into the paths He planned for you, or  do you become impatient  and let go of  His hands and venture into the side roads by yourself??. Do you get side tracked, by the illusionary "heavens" along the way  that you self insert Pauses and Intervals along your paths, sometimes totally forgetting about your  mission that  you miss the boat?. Do  you allow yourself  to be seduced by the wide and easy roads only to end up in a massive traffic jam, at some point  that you  arrive way behind everyone else, without the desired fruits-  exhausted, worn out and then you put the blame on God?? 

For those who are patient in their trust and faith of the Lord God, He upholds your belief in Him and  will not allow you to fall..He is the ever present power that keeps you standing upright and how magnificent- the pure colours and beauty which stood out from His easel! 

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