Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Lord Delivers

When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me...He will bring me forth to the light; I shall behold his deliverance..Micah 7:8-9 

We are living in such turbulent times that everyday is a challenge and for some a nightmare. Many have lost faith in the institution of Life. Many despaired of their daily existence, food, survival, employment, a roof over their head, education for their children. They face dead-ends all the time. Many wonder if home remains home. Peace seemed to have vanished . And as if all the worries and anxiety of the world is not enough, nature sends in more challenges and hardship...the extreme weather..the typhoons, the floods, the volcanic eruptions , earthquakes, disasters and so forth..

For people of our times, reliance on self , earthly supplies and our human brethren, alone  cannot guarantee survival well being .... that living  goodness, that peace can only come from powers  above. Turn to the word of the Lord, my friends. Hold on to  the promises contained within. Mediate on it and confidence will return, because it brings God into your life. Remember, He is the refuge, the rock, the fortress who shelters you  and me from the storm.

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