Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blessed Medallion

I was in sixth form and doing my A-Levels in Penang when this incident happened . My brother and his wife  had graciously taken me under their wing. She was ...still is,  a devout Catholic. They were staying in one of those beautiful three room bungalows in Green Crescent. The landlord was our neighbour. I took the back room. From the moment, I moved into that room, I was haunted by dark images and feelings of distress and when I slept at night, there was this black presence which seemed bent on making his presence felt. Strangely I felt he was not there to  harm  rather, trying  to tell me something. I would wake up feeling very disturbed. 

At that time I was very actively involved in the Church of Christ, and always have a Bible with me. So I took to sleeping with my Bible placed next to my pillow and strangely though the presence was still there, it did not come near me and the fear was kept at a distance-sort of I know you're there, but you stay in your dimension and I stay in mine. This went on for some weeks . I was sure, someone died in that room, so I told my brother and sister-in law, telling them my suspicions. They were sceptical and laughed off my experiences as one of over active imagination. You believe in God, don't you? So why are you afraid of such things? It cannot harm you!!

Then one day, the maid had an encounter too and that shook them up a little, so they paid a visit to the landlord...At first the denial, but finally ...they owned up...someone did indeed die in that room . He hanged himself. If I remember the facts correctly, it was a case of tragic love affair. 

Back home, my sister in law immediately gave me a medallion blessed by the then Pope. For those of you who do not believe in the powers of blessed medallions, I tell you this blessed medallion was  awesome, just awesome! There was this force , this power which shields, it was totally encircling and the apparition stopped it's  constant visitation. Additionally, after knowing the circumstance of his death, I had taken the liberty to pray for his soul , for his release from torment into rest and  peace. Perhaps too, he was just seeking prayers for his release from torment.

A  couple of years later, this medallion saved me from great danger. At the point of time, I prayed  earnestly  for deliverance. There was this sudden  flash of lighting  and a tremendous clash of thunder and, the clip attaching the medallion to my chain broke into two , but the danger passed . Thank God. That  part of the story will come another time. If you were witness to the  powers of God -believing in the protective powers of  what had been blessed , especially that blessed by the Pope, you would  be as believing as I am, for the power that comes  is not that of the Pope's  but God who graciously bestowed upon him  that power to perform and manifest. The glory is all Gods's..

 You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.  Matt 16:18 ,And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The covenant remains firm from Pope to Pope - for He. God is a faithful God indeed!

MY views - The Pope  is spiritually and technically  a descendent of the first apostle  and the blessings bestowed upon Peter will also be his heritage.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool-Acts 7:49
The spirit of God fills the heavens and the earth...He is not just in one place. He is everywhere and always present.

Many years ago, I was on this lonely road near section 17 of Shah Alam when I had the encounter of the third kind..At that time overgrown trees, bushes and creepers still filled the landscape and that particular road was still  basic -mud based, not concrete...That night, everywhere was quiet save for the incessant calls of the crickets and insects..I was travelling  peacefully along  this very dark  and narrow road with the tall grass- lallangs, occasionally coming  into  the paths of my car, when suddenly a huge black boulder rose up before me like a great solid wall. 

I was going to crashed right into it!Holy God, what was that? I send UP a frantic call for help followed by hysterical  recitations of the Our Father..(somehow, I always believe that is the most powerful, self contained prayer ever) .I felt my car lifted up and then I must have  passed out because beyond that,I could remember nothing). The next I knew, I was right in front of the traffic light in front of CCM (you guys remember The Chemical Company of Malaysia right?) not a scratch to my car nor was I hurt in anyway. I could still remember that moment...the traffic lights were bright red and then it turned green...

God, He is everywhere, when you totally surrender everything to Him, he takes charge and delivers. It may not be logical to some, but somehow, it always brings to mind Acts 7:49 "heaven is my throne and the earth my footstool. It is He who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens-Jeremiah 51:15-16 .You do not need a church building to pray, God does not reside in one particular place. His Holy spirit is everywhere and He delivers...Believe me, He does, if you surrender yourself totally to Him, church, lonely road or busy street!

Friday, June 28, 2013

See Hope manifested

For as the earth brings forth in shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up..the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Isaiah 61:11

Sow with a commitment, and with a song in your heart, prepare your barn, -expect a good harvest keep it in readiness , for marvellous grace has flown in, with the smile and indulgence of the Lord God! Prayer fulfilled,  hope established! . For who  needs  to hope when he has already seen? Look therefore  in the direction of the Lord, your God expect  His blessings and you no longer wish, you've got it!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Insurance is the Lord God

The world ablaze with the Insurance word. Almost everyone has bought an insurance...Everything requires an insurance. Insurance to cover you, to protect you, to vouch for you and so forth. It is the security provide , the security net which you could fall back on when the need arises. In some countries, if you do not have medical insurance, they will not treat you, because medical care has rocked sky high and the health providers cannot afford to care for you, give you treatment  minus the returns. And today, you need comprehensive  insurance even for the bare basics -to take good care of your golden years..when you are no longer able to work. 

Today's material wisdom and the "MUST DO"  is  protect yourselves in the eventuality of  the unforeseen- get an insurance. . The forces of unpredictability could be pretty  devastating if you were not prepared. We are living in a world which requires insulation, a cushion to break just about any fall and we are willing to take cautious step to cover ourselves well in that aspect... 

But how well covered are you in the spiritual sense? Are you even covered at all??You who are spirit and soul -you who have rented a physical frame to take a summer break in this planet of juicy sins and temptations- Satan's playground. Do you have the all powerful  Travellers insurance which ensures your safe return to the Father's house, when it is time to leave? No one stays on forever....remember that. Insurance is provided free, the only condition is that you  have to receive it and  believe in it. Salvation stands waiting. Do you have faith in Him who came with His all redeeming  Insurance that we may have   eternal life? The choice is yours..:"I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." says the Lord God. /From Him we come and to Him, we return. Make sure you hold the boarding pass-the  re-entry permit  back into the pasture where you came from when the summer break is over! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Love is strong as death-Solomon 8:6

What a strange comparison! Love -    the flowering; emotions bursting forth, warm, passionate- enslaving in its intensity...embracing- outpouring in its giving and more giving and yet receiving with the same fervour, energy and power .  Death in the physical sense is more of a  release...letting go ...the end of a purpose-leaving space for others to shoulder on. Your task is completed and your mission done.. And yet YT would  say , in a strange way, love & death are equally gripping, equally demanding-compelling,  equally possessive, equally overwhelming. 

Death is seen by many  as  the essence which brings new beginnings.  You  first make a conscious effort to bring to an end something ,get rid of what is no more relevant, clear your inner space leaving you room to  embrace the new. 

Love is strong as power on earth can overcome death..could escape from the clutches of death, except God..--it is that powerful-that strong..And so comparing it with love? Love is powerful, yet so fragile, so breakable-SO it would be a real blessing to find a  love that  could remain strong unto the grave -everlasting, even beyond. Perhaps it is not so strange to say Love is strong as death after all! 

On the higher level, it is the perfect description of  the unconditional love of the One who came and died for our sins. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

There is a purpose for every life form

In everything, God works for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Knowing this fact ,walk on hope manifested-hold fast therefore the spirit of clarity in the fulfilment of  God's intended  purpose. For if the spirit of God is with you, you can do only good as his purpose intended. 

Through every stage, He has set a  purpose and many purposes make up a life time. When you were born, you live as a baby; when you grew into a little child, you live as a child ...then as an adult, you acted out your role and responsibilities of adulthood....old age.. new happenings of every horizon - moving rapidly on with time..and the seasons. Each period carries with it, its new changes, its own sounds and colours, the good, the bad, the pain, the sufferings, the joy, the happiness and the peace. 

Do not therefore be too judgemental, or critical of what your neighbours do...for each has been given his own role to play and you do not know their their specific purpose and roles  until it is the season for  their revelation.