Sunday, June 23, 2013

Women's Desk

Dr. Sheila emphasising a
Attendees listening
intently to Dr. Sheila
What does the Women's Desk do? It got Yours Truly really curious. An Archdiocese's project and a team from the AOHD's  coming down to launch the Women's Desk at OLL?? What's that??. YT could not suppress her curiosity ...she just had to find out. Nosey, nosey huh?  Can't blame her,- After all , though Women,  are the backbone of everything yet they are  still struggling to catch up on the  goodies front... they are still the workers  behind the scenes. They have so much concerns and needs. .Even in this progressive world, many still need permission from their spouses before they could step out on to the stage to be seen and heard. . 
One of the teams
Presenting their issues and concerns

The dynamic AOHD team and their speaker  Dr. Sheila  were certainly clear in their objectives. What is the mission and vision of the Women's Desk? What is their focus? It has alot to do with mental health, the well being of women across the board- coping with the stress of difficult situations, circumstances, stigma , violence and abuse, the lacking, the poverty -the loneliness..the list goes on.  A very target driven presentation, if YT may say so...clearly outlined. Women empowering women!

 Attendees were later invited to work on an activity where they  list out their concerns and the issues which needed to be put right and there were plenty..

There is something about this project which unlocked the reservedness in women and  so started the sharing -the unleashing-the torrents of  worries and concerns they were passionate about. It appears that women  have better eye sight, insight and more heart, but they lack muscles , they need support from one another, they need to know where to go to for help when faced with situations.They need to network to garner more voice and strength to counter their many issues and concerns, but how??. Most of all they need listening ears...Where and who can they turn  to in times of need?? 

The general issues, the challenges faced by women, well at least  at this parish had been listed the drivers of the Women's Desk would have to start the engine and drive...Nothing comes easy.. but when there is a will, there is a way....Team,   have a blessed ride. 

A project under the Archdiocese. Parish project leader- Rachael Stanisalus - Guidance of the Parish Priest. Fr. Michael Chua, at parish level.,. 

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