Saturday, June 15, 2013

Relationship or mere religion???

I'm not into religion. I'm in a relationship with God and I can bring both my troubles and joys freely to him. When I am in need, I come before Him with my fears and anxieties...Father, I'm in trouble..I need your your compassion-your loving arms around me...Please put right the negative issues in my life. When I'm in joy, I run to Him...Father..I accomplish, I achieve..are you happy for me?? Thank you for your support! Thank you for  your presence!!

See the difference? Religion is restrictive, full of Dos and Don'tsYou keep God at a distance. He is the perpetual Judge...someone holding the rotan. You are in  forever grounded sphere where you do things out of obligations, yes even force. In a relationship, it is mutual love and respect. You willingly do all the good things, all the right things for this Someone, because you love and you care -you want to  honour, pay homage, your heart brims over with deep reverence for the Supreme Being of God in your life. You feel safe and secure in your belonging.  You bask in His love for you. You know He is forever there for you!

Chew on this dish People!!

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