Sunday, June 2, 2013

Feast of Corpus Christi @ OLL

Gaze upon the beauty of the holy altar !
The Feast of Corpus Christi @ Our Lady of Lourdes Klang

An evening of adoration, renewal of faith  focusing on the Person of the Lord Jesus, the bread of life-The Holy Eucharist! And the faithful came in droves to pay homage and celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi! It was a solemn yet joyous joint celebration  in English/Tamil and Bahasa, with parish priests Fr. Michael and Fr. Peter leading the celebrations. 

Second point -a portion of
the faithful at Wisma Lourdes
Following the procession
Spirit filled reverence of the Body  and Blood - a solemn and prayerful  Procession around the church building , the foyer of Wisma Lourdes,  followed by Benediction and adoration before the altar of the Lord.

Three beautifully  decorated adoration points ,  to stop and pray, yes revere, worship and devote personal prayers too! I personally thought it was marvellously beautiful!

 I bet the parish priests and team had worked very hard to make a success of this celebrations.  Indeed a  memorable event !

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