Monday, June 24, 2013


To be stalked can be pretty distressing. That's what caused Princess Diana to meet with that dreadful accident years ago, there were the paparazzi, the listening ears on her phone, the eyes following her everywhere-watching always watching. Every movement, every breath, every action was recorded. They stalked her to death. We have heard of celebrities taking out court restrains on certain die hard fans who wouldn't leave them alone causing immense terror to the victims.

Closer to the ground, we hear of normal people..ladies..women who become targets of such unwanted attention. YT once came across a read..I'm watching you, I see you..hear your every breath, you every movement, what you eat, what you do..I've got you recorded.. 

It forms an image of the walls, the space, zooming in on you, listening...unseen cameras swirling and clicking away..a 24 hour surveillance. No place is safe from their preying eyes.

You are not your own are someone else's  fanatical obsession and   that can totally freak you out...that can  maimed you mentally-break you. 

A victim  mentioned that "these people are bad".  YT says these people are worse than bad..they are  monsters..can't even call them animals because certain animals, like the dogs and cats..and your adorable rabbit are friends.  These freakish monsters take over a person's life and misprisioned them into a cage of fear. That can break a person making them suicidal. 

Today, with modern technology, it is so easy to GPRS , to track the whereabouts of anyone. Some so called friends wormed their way into your confidence, get you all worked up and talking and then record your conversations.....happened to you?? Brings to mind the Monica Lewinsky's case- it was her best friend who sold her out right?? 

Computers too are easy you know your datas etc..on your private computers are not safe either? There are so many sophisticated spy ware in the market would  be typing and they will be there on dot following your every strokes. Some employers do that...employer's right they is real and it is happening. Disgusting! Shame!!

All these actions constitute to stalking, theft of privacy..but guys we are told there are many wolves in sheep's clothings. You can't avoid have to pray for strength of mind and gift of caution and the grace of God's protective shield around you. The knowledge helps to heal you mentally giving you peace and calm to walk on and live.

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