Saturday, November 23, 2013

A conversation I overheard in an eatery lead to this sharing. The young man was trying to persuade his friend to do him a "favour". No one will be the wiser, he assured. 

Money politics have expanded to the family level. Latest trend taught in the "how to get at your victim" -have gotten into the family level. Perpetrators now wave $$$ in front of people to get family members and friends  to betray their loved ones, or cause harm to others.  Only if you are truly pure of heart and fear God. would you turn your back to such seduction. But how many has that in them??

Because money attracts, the unscrupulous has their job  made easy . They say money has no relationship, neither father, mother, sisters, brothers....and the list goes on. How often do you quarrel over money? How often does marriage break up because of money? How often do you read about inheritance issues which tear family unit a-part?? They would kill each other just to get their hands on the  money. No one is immune to the glitter of gold and the sounds of crisp notes rolling into their bank accounts. Money speaks louder than  relationship and love.The world is coming to that stage, the Lord spoke about, when children turn against fathers and fathers  against children, best friends against best friends xtra... Conscience has lost its light!

These are  unnerving times  the coming of the end. The coming of hell to earth. Now is the time to ask for purification and sanctification of self that  such satanic powers do not seduce us. But how many actually want to give away the chance for money and power just so that they please their God?? These are the times, they chuck religion and goodness out of the window for the pleasure of "gain".. Funny isn't it that for all the good, many claim they want to do, often than not, they let themselves be persuaded into doing things, they should not do? This is real, this is happening, believe it or not. Be aware people, pray that our own families  are spared the unscrupulous acts of others. 

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