Monday, November 25, 2013

Basic munch on the competition word.

Competition- a social disease or a growth catalyst?

Those little "toyols" or monsters  are everywhere-- in your homes, your office, even in the classroom. There is this urge within every person to shine, to excel, to out-speak, outdo  the other. In the process, you trample on others in your bid to grab the gold medal. That is the natural human tendency. Fortunately or unfortunately?

Every environment is laced with the spirit of competitiveness.So is it good or bad? I ask this question as a form of verbal survey and the response was-yes and no. In the corporate world where you need to climb up the ladder of success, it was a resounding YES, because in those environments, if you do not have that spark in you, you are dead wood , no action and you hinder your own achievements.

But in cordial surroundings,where the emphasis is on relationship,  my sources said, it should be toned down to harmonious level. In such environment, the spirit of sharing and compromise and the element of caring becomes the guest of honour. So what environments? Relationship ,Home, families, religious surroundings , friendship tufts - these are the most popular choices, but even still get rivalry in subtle ways, for instance siblings rivalry.

So, it appears the competitive spirit present in every  individuals cannot be completely eradicated. It can only be quieten in favour of more virtuous acts. Gist is,career- if you want to progress and move up, make sure you outrun the others, with good output, but if your target is unity and solidarity, then  focus on building up the care and love relationship instead. Put a big X across the competition word and focus on harmony instead.

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