Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Smart phone culture

We were talking about culture the other day. Chinese used to value the teachings of Confucius and the  practice of honour and respect for the elderly, but now? Look around you..even simple politeness like, hello aunty, uncle is no longer fashionable.

Today's culture is text, text, texting..... Their hellos and good manners are directed at their Ipad, Iphone, Smart phone, and not the people in their lives. How many could sit down for an intimate  evening meal without the interference of a third person-your darling smart phone??

The other day, I saw a mother with a young boy (presumably her son)  of perhaps 7-8 years old, having lunch at one of the eateries, I frequent. I watched as she touched and caress her smartphone, while her young son, waited patiently for the food to arrive, not a word was exchanged between them. Remember the days when mothers would cuddle the young children who sit next to them and they would whisper and laugh?? Meals out  were always such fun! 

If the parents play around with their smart devices and ignore their children,  naturally the children will follow suit. They watch, they observe,they learn and a new culture is born. 

By the time, they are in their teens and adulthood that adoration for smart devices would be so grounded in them, that relationship, respect and honour for their elders would have long vanished. That culture is started by parents and they complain, their children do not speak to them. Who set the trend in the first place? 

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