Saturday, November 30, 2013


Clothes does change a person's appearance.  I chanced upon a friend  yesterday. He was with his twin and their friend. Now this person is always critical of his appearance - goodness know why. Yesterday, that person  was in something entirely different. A darker shade apparel , much , much darker than the norm. I almost stopped in my tracks. The transformation was dramatic.Clothes does make an entirely different person out of you.

Those days when I used to cook everyday and marketing was a  weekly chore, I used to wear faded jeans ,  house clothes and Japanese slippers to the wet market. One look at my clothings, fishmongers and traders would automatically give me a discount. One day, I wanted some "good " fish which was also expensive because I was having friends over for lunch. My fishmonger "friend" advised, "Ah Moi" that fish is very expensive. Why don't you try something else, look this fish not so popular, but equally as good and it is also very much cheaper."  And believe me, what he recommended was great! You see? Being appropriately attired for the market place, get you the best deals.  "Towkay Sohs" in their fine clothes and street shoes automatically gets slaughtered.

Now if I were to wear , the same worn out  clothes and walk into a high end fashion shop, they would probably give me a dirty  look and prevent me from touching their clothes. "Aiyah, these clothes are expensive, high end product! They are absolutely out of your reach! Go further down the road, there're  discount stores down there." Then they would probably shoo me out of the store and slam the door in my face.

Dress better!! Wear clothes that suit you!
Clothes have a way of adding or minusing  your worth  in the eyes and  mind of  others. Not only are perception formed,  of your worth, but it also adds a valuable cosmetic touch to your appearance. People, whose jobs are in full glare of the public eye are always advised to dress well. Impression is important, and impression sells. There is power in dressing. Clothes are tools that carry you far in a snobbish and appearance conscious society who judge individuals through outward appearance.

Me? I love being casual and I dress casual. I'm most comfortable in casual, girl next door  appearance, less stressful. . But you young people out there, dress the part and appropriately for the occasion -it does get you a lot more respect and welcome.

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