Thursday, November 21, 2013

There is such a thing as good anger

We have plenty of gurus who teach anger management and how to keep it under control. But there are good anger which should not be controlled. It should be let out. Those are the thunder sparks that teach, mould and sculpture the ugly into beautiful objects and beings. They are like a cleansing agent, cleaning out the dirt and the mess and afterwards, the way is clearer for you to push on ahead.

 Children cannot grow without the just discipline and the guidance of parents. Students cannot learn without the teaching. Families cannot solidify in unity and harmony without the regular parental chastening , straightening the crookedness , fixing the dislocated joints -bringing in due  respect, love and understanding of one another.

Not all anger is bad. Not all anger should be managed.  Some are  there  for the growth and good of others. It must be allowed to explode for the good of the people you care about.

A long time ago, I was told this story by my mother. There was this woman and her son. She was a single mother and loved her son to bits. There is nothing, she wouldn't do for him. She adored him. Whatever he wanted, she gave him. His words are law. He could do nothing wrong in her sight. He dropped out of school, he became a drug addict  and yet, she made excuses for him. He was her only son. No one could say anything bad about him. Then one day, the police came to the house looking for him. He was arrested and charged for dealing in drugs. The penalty for a drug offence even in those days, was a death sentence. He was thrown into Taiping  prison. When the mother came to give him his last meal, he asked her. "Why didn't you  scold me, beat me or discipline me when I did wrong?"  She answered him." Because I love you son." His reply, "Look what your love did to me mum". The story goes, after her son's death, she became semi insane and went about town telling her story to just about anyone who cares to listen. A true story  I was told.. That is the consequences of misguided love.

Be thankful if  others correct your mistakes. Be thankful if others rebuked your bad habits and pull you back on to the right paths... Just anger is also about  love and care. Remember that.

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