Friday, November 8, 2013


Some want me to write and yet others obstruct my efforts. Some want me to teach and yet others  question my need. But that is something to be sorted out between my Maker and me.Personal, very personal.
I will not ponder the IF, I will just walk the paths in faith. Some people are made for great things, and yet others little things and yet those little things may be greater than the greatest of things, because it it is done with sure trust and belief.

Some people hinder the aspirations of others, set obstacles to hinder their paths. They say love is the reason for the hindrance, but I say, love is greater than that. Love means  looking after the happiness, the wants of the person you care about.... fulfilling the wishlist-not take them away. 

Anyone who cause pain and sufferings in the name of love is a scoundrel -totally not worth a single grain of  salt. 

Remember, achievements and attainments come in many forms, shapes and sizes.  Different blooms fill a garden. Different fruits the lands. Different colours the landscape. Different people see different things. Some see mud, some see gold. The important thing is -what do I see?

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