Friday, November 29, 2013


Everyone faces obstacles. It is how you look at obstacles that makes a difference. Recently, I did not make it up THE ship bound for a dream destination and I was totally shattered. It surprises me how that obstacle affected me. I mopped around for weeks. I teared at the slightest thing. I was depressed, yes, I hated the whole wide world and the people in it.

A couple of weeks later,  a light entered my darkened world. Awakening words from a certain charismatic religious.  A  little rattle on my closed shutter -it sprang up and the sun beamed in  again.

At that point of time, I saw those obstacles as a humongous mountain, which blocks me and left me marooned , desolate at that point of No entry. I wanted to cross to the other side but all I saw were slabs of rocks. Disappointment, anger and self pity  automatically slammed down the shutters and I went into deep mourning.

 Now that senses have been restored,  I confront that mountain again. The slabs of rocks, actually provide a foothold for me to climb over the top and down the other side...Further away, there were other little pathways-how could I have missed that? Away from that mountain, were beautiful valleys...all it needed were just a little detour..

You know people, obstacles are there for us to conquer not to cry over. It is there to test our ability to overcome and when you have overcome it,  stand high on the mountain top  and cry out in triumph!  I have conquered!

 Some people find strength and opportunities in obstacles, I find freedom from the slavery of those all consuming  needs which are really not that important to living.There are other more worthwhile pursuits.

In life, you must learn how to make a detours, how to find ways out of situations and move on.  There are many ways to reach a destination. Master your obstacles , do not allow it to conquer you  that it weighs you down. Get it under your feet!

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