Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thinking aloud

What is education, if not for knowledge, skills, the  ability to apply what you have learnt to fulfil the great promise of  self  sufficiency at the end of the academic journey???

What is employment if not for the survival??. What is relationship if not for the companionship and the care??

What is marriage if not for a beautiful home, a lifelong nest of cherishment? 

What are children if not for the fruit of our love, the perfume that fragrance our lives?  The continuity of life that fills this earth? 

A circle fuelled by the  forces of hope, the engine that churns out meaning and purpose . When you have walked the full length of the circle..you finally see the humour; the irony of your treasure hunts.

Do you know that LIFE  is just one simple passage from birth till death? The rest are just the colours, the noise, the  mirages and the illusions of the journey. 

You came with nothing and you leave with nothing. When you have returned to  the source,  another emerges and takes your place.

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