Thursday, November 28, 2013

Savour and taste living

What sort of food do you like? I asked my students.Surprisingly some found it a chore to share their likes and their dislikes. What does that mean? People do not enjoy their food and have been eating mechanically-just to fill their stomachs and to survive? Eat to live , without the taste and the flavours? I always thought, we take both the "Eat to live" and "Live to Eat", and lay them on the table. Dissect and discern, then find a balance. Yes? No?

It's like your daily journeying. It's like when you're driving down the drive with a purpose ,so that you reach your destination in good shape and within your KPI time to stop and watch the colours and the cannot even shout your "hellos"  to the  people in the  cars flashing past you . They are rushing too!

But then, occasionally, you do venture down this lovely countryside road. Or don't you?? You see the rolling see the lovely scenes, you see stretches of padi fields, their green stalks, bending and swaying gently in the breeze..and you catch your breath! You see flowers, you see age old feel the peace and tranquillity and all of a sudden, there is this irresistible ripple of joy rising within you! Ah! this is life! And your jaded spirit finds new vitality.

In life, you need to rush around and work your butt out, to achieve your goals-sure  BUT  you also need to take time to relax and savour the beauty of the scenes around you, otherwise, what is life? A continuous chore? What a bore! How stressful!

Food or that drive down life's paths. Folks, take time to savour the deliciousness and their great taste. Find a balance. It brings more joy to the living. It makes welcoming in another day- much more pleasureable!.

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