Sunday, April 29, 2012


Serving by lending a listening ear??Certainly! but that role is not for just anybody. Not all could handle the listening session and dispense good and concrete advice at the same time. Some, just wallow along and end up  absorbing  the pain of the person in need, unable to offer strength. If you are the type, stay away from such roles -too much feelings and too much love  without the ability to discern  and guide is a weakness, a lacking which  will do more harm than good. Sometimes, we need to be harsh to check the hurts and get the victim to face reality so that they rise up and help themselves, other times, we need to sooth and comfort, when a person is really bruised and needed the strength of another. It all depends on the case and the circumstance. 

Today, the homily touched on husband and wife taking on the role of shepherds on the home front. It touches on parents taking on responsible and active roles in nurturing the faith of their children. In loving God, the mechanism of, respect and   filial love to parents, are set into motion. It is a natural process. God loving children, has this natural inclination to love and  honour their parents as well, because God guides their every actions. Does not the commandments say that "Thou shalt honour thy Father and Mother???" Today, with the daily bombardments of  worldly influences ,  religion has taken a back seat and with it -lost of many family values. Machines has taken over the attention of our children, in place of family togetherness-people speak to each other through their mobiles more than our conservative norm -directly and face to face.  Extended families are becoming quite endangered., closeness is fast vaporising-people no longer think taking care of aged parents are important any more.   Time -love and fear of God, takes centre stage again. I remember in days passed, we never dared questioned the decisions of our parents, yet we never felt slighted or have any negative thoughts against our parents and we grew up respectful , dependable and loving children. Less old folks left to fend for themselves then.  

Today, a whole classroom of tips and what nots on good parenting ( some tips has real value,only-many go overboard) have turned parents into love machines-respectful of the wishes of their children- afraid to teach goodness and values. We tip toe around making sure  we do not ruffle their feathers. We voluntarily shut down , when they start voicing up. No matter, how educated and smart we are, somehow  we prefer to trust the opinions of our children, more than our own judgements. We no longer trust in ourselves-children knows better !!! ( those good old days,  parents'  mantras were, we haven taken more salt than you-you listen to us). -By the way, I still say that to my own kids, but then I am a risk taker, believing God, provides comprehensive insurance coverage, for any feathers ruffled. .

 We love our kids so much that we misguidedly allowed them to turn up the volumes of their voices until they drown out ours .  Now  they could no longer  hear us, instead we hear them loud and clear. Guys! Guys! if nothing is done to arrest the down slide; and reverse the roles back to its original state, love and respect for God, parents will soon be a memory -dust swirling and disappearing in the wind. For our kids themselves without the correct values and virtues instilled....God and family will lose presence-how can they pass on good values if they were never properly taught ?? If having their own ways, has become a culture??? It cannot be good for our children and their children-the future world. Just imagine a future world of cold distant people, self centred, detached from love, from feelings, from kinship......   Say, what you want...YT still believes, God is important if we want to retain our good values, if we want family love, if we want parent-children, siblings  love and the love of others, for others  to continue working in our lives.



I thank you Lord, for all the love and care  you have sent through your earthly angels. I am blessed indeed and my gratitude knows no bounds. You have taught me courage, you instil confidence and my spirit rises in  faith and belief , the grace you have bestowed upon me!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

OLL Senior Citizen Fellowship - Popiah Delight

Mr. Daniel Chacko addressing the crowd

Grace to bless the food
Trying their hand making their
own popiah
Looks like we are all becoming more health conscious!  It's Popiah for the 2nd Seniors Fellowship gathering and it was a pretty good turn out too!! Hey! we had a interesting variety of goodies, just that popiah was the night's theme.

The surprise of the evening was the karaoke session, where many  seniors eagerly took their turns stretching their vocals-even Yours Truly joined in the background singing and I must say, we do have pretty good golden voices out there!  To the team who arranged the sing a song, Alan Goh, Charlie and friends -wonderful idea ! Our attendees just loved it! 

The Karaoke Session
Who says senior cannot be hot??!!
Frank Sinatra's voice, rich and powerful!

April Babies

Give me a smile!!
Who's cutting the cake??

The Farewell

SCM will miss their secretary, Gladys Louis, and  her hubby John, who will be migrating to Canada in the next couple of weeks. We wish you well Gladys and John - Thank your for your contributions and God Bless!!

SCM  President presenting John and
Gladys with a love token
One for the remembrance album 

Seniors stay tuned for more goodies to come. Rumour is that we are going on a outstation  trip soon  if all goes well and as planned ! Keep those fingers crossed guys. See you soon!!

A pinch of salt

Thoughts for the day.......

 There comes a time in everybody's life when they want the spotlight taken away from them, when they want well meaning friends to stop the background probing, checking and scrutiny.. in case, they are not aware, .that really amounts to invasion of privacy. If a person is not telling, that means he/she  wants to remain private. Allow them that dignity. Respect their wishes.  Do not pry -it drives a person to isolation. Sometimes they just want some peace and quiet so that they could plan and decide on their next course of action...just let it be.  If they want help, they will ask directly for it; others should not try to read  into another's mind - they will end up with all the wrong answers and interpretations and really, it brooks, no good for friendship. We all know what  ASSUME means - yes people ??

Your sincerity as a friend will be questioned., because, tendency is- many dig around but offer no concrete help or do not have the ability to help out.   Knowing is not enough. You must have the capability and the resources to make a difference in another's life, before you go around playing detective. Always remember that. 

Good and caring friends will not force their way into another's private chambers. Instead, they are very much present with their wide and broad shoulders to lend support; and offer assistance, whenever needed, their actions speak louder than words..

Tell me, who wants their nakedness exposed??? You put on clothes, because you not only want to cover your modesty but also  because  there are parts of you, you wish to keep private. That applies to everyone without exception. One thing to remember, your team of "Perry Masons"  are also humans and humans do gossip, don't they, so you may end up doing more harm than good. 

Keep that little pinch of salt in mind. It took Yours Truly many, many moons to pick up that little wisdom and now YT shares it with you.  Cheers!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Visitation-Guardians of Rosary Dedication

The door bell rang after 8.00p.m., last night,   as we peep out into the darkness...all we saw were  three dark figures lurking suspiciously outside the gate!! The young lady and her not so young mama  froze! Who could that be at that hour of the night???  Mama said..." don't go out...don't go out! what if  they were ....undesirable characters??? But no, it was only three  Guardians of Rosary observations., that had come a calling . . announcing the imminent arrival of Miss May  and Rosary next week.   These people are really something. Yours Truly can only marvel. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

HRC Klang-Senior Citizens Steam Boat Galore!!

It was God first before the HRC Seniors Citizen's makan, makan (eat, eat ) lunch fellowship. So it was- that the whole gang met up for the 11.00 a.m.  mass at Holy Redeemer Church, Klang this morning . After that it was with great enthusiasm that  the 109 golden parishioners set off  to the Senior Citizens Steam Boat Galore at " Mo Mo Paradise"  -Bandar Baru Klang. Don't Play! Play! Seniors are going for a  steaming good time at  Mo Mo Paradise, this year! What could be more fun, than having a eating retreat in Paradise?? Hooh!!!! Come on guys, let's go for it!
And what do we have here??
Ah! the celebrating birthday gals and guys
 Happy  Birthday people!!
Missing someone Rev??

Peter Chan in his usual jovial self
Something different for a change-healthy food, steaming hot, nothing  beats that for warmth!! And that signifies warmth in friendship as well yeah!! What an awesome spread of goodies at Mo Mo Paradise. " Eat to your heart's content, everyone- only do not waste."  That's Peter Chan (VC) of the Senior citizen committee advising his golden friends. But wait for Father Joachim to bless the food first , ya people?

When a burst of song filled the air soon after the announcement, Yours Truly was taken aback  and look up for the reason ..but it was only the Parish Priest blessing the food with active  interaction from the seniors! Novel , interesting and jolly  fun way of blessing food! God is not all  authority, yes people?  He can   be a marvellous good sport too  !!
And we cut the birthday cake!!

The food was really overflowing...we were stuff, I was stuff!! And there were good desserts too, puddings, jellies , ice-cream, cordial.. all free flowing, above what we could eat, honestly! Man!  I just  love steam boat! Just wish I had a spare stomach to fill what the mouth and tummies crave, but could no longer take in!!

And if it were not enough, in  comes a three kg or was it a 4 kg  birthday cake? Gigantic!! The call soon  rang out for the month's  birthday girls and boys. Gather round the cake please!!. Ah! so the Parish Priest was one of the birthday boys as well. Guess what! the cake tasted yummy, even with a stuff tummy, so it was  good, real good!

Nothing beats a gathering like this for some great social interaction and networking, and of course the opportunity of  meeting new friends . You get to bond  with those you already know as well . In additional , there is a bonus pleasure of  knowing, you have company in the great arena of golden people!! So chin up! Keep those thoughts young- people and you will never grow old!!

Sunday morning with Holy Redeemer Church Klang

HRC celebrated Children's liturgy  this morning. A band of  fresh and innocent youngsters- walked dainty up to the altar with the offerings -angelic and delightful!   Dying as this writer  was to  capture their innocence and pure beauty. on film.....respect for the Eucharistic celebrations  and the Parish Priest calls for restrain... A pity, a real pity indeed -for a lost of  great photo shoot!

For YT, it was a remarkable morning at HRC ,  pure praise and worship became  amazingly  meaningful,  because hymns were sung along the music she was used to and loved. When she heard the strains of familiar music again, it was as though, she had found something precious which she had earlier  lost . She sang her heart out, because the words flowed along so beautifully with the music.....and really something arose within her -reaching out to her God. Strangely, one of the items in the prayers,  touched on her troubled innermost chamber -as though the whole congregation was praying for her  and this morning, it seemed God sends her a message of comfort......

It was a caring shepherd at work this morning - there were  significant pauses,  giving  opportunities for   private prayers. I do not know whether you would agree with YT but  when you are in spiritual need, those pauses somehow translate into healing opportunities...when you call out in prayers and the listening God responds..Father Joachim said -Grace is being blessed  with the ability  to recognise the Lord Jesus in the Eucharistic celebrations , seeing Him in our midst, and living in his image in our everyday lives.  He prays that Christians  would be willing -  living witnesses to our Lord Jesus in our modern day lives-faithful witnesses  who never sleeps but are diligently ready for the Master's imminent  return.. Great food for the soul and let us pray we have the grace of that capability!!


Suffering is good, that's what my acting parish priest says. Yes, it does keep the sufferer closer to God. Truly, nobody  can deliver except God.......In days past, this Autummer had often walked down the streets of sufferings, she suffered blisters, she suffered heartache, the cold wind -and  really, she would not wish those streets on  anyone!  
Though suffering has its purpose, Autumn here says, please stop the sufferings! We suffer from hurts and pains, we suffer from the misunderstanding of others, though our intentions were good, they still bash us mercilessly. We suffer from the jealous bullying of others. We suffer from lack of care, cash and daily subsistence, we suffer when others turn their backs to us; we suffer hunger, sickness.......the ill intentions of others.....oh there are hundred and one different type of sufferings...and it has come to a point of enough lah  O about some respite? For a change, Autumn would really love a world of zero sufferings...where everyone has enough to eat and live happily, people appreciate one another and the world is just one race, one colour, one culture, one language  -one people of God! 

Sufferings is so associated with our God...He suffered for us...He died for us...that is Love Divine . As His People, we are called to reach out and touch others with our hearts and our deeds...yet how many could truly do that? We are still so far away from the kingdom of God, when a man could turn the other cheek to be slapped... when a man could give up everything for  the love and mercy of  another . .... In fact, if you ask me, as the world progresses, we are actually  moving further away from the kingdom of God.  Man looks upon this planet as their permanent place of abode where they fight without conscience  to stay ahead.They forget that we are all travellers...travelling together from this realm to the next- to a common destination before our God. Doesn't that make us all brethren?? And yet, what is brethren in today's fast tracked world?? 

Maybe Sufferings has its value after all, it brings one down from the high and mighty  to the humble and true self, where the eyes can see and the heart can feel, where arms could reach out to embrace one another.. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trust in God-Jeremiah 17:7-8

Jeremiah 17:7-8 calls out to me this morning:-
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord, He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.""

How rich the promise, the fruits of trust in the Lord God!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ecclesiastes 1:3-9

What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?
A generation goes and a generation comes
but the earth remains forever
The sun rises and the sun goes down
and hastens to the place where it rises.
The wind blows to the south,
and goes round to the north;
round and round goes the wind;
and on its circuits the wind returns.
All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow
there they flow again.
All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
What has been is what will be
and what has been done is what will be done
and there is nothing new under the sun

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Filial Piety-Just for the Sharing!!

Yesterday, I was in class, and somehow, filial piety cropped up.  We have all heard of  car-pooling -common, very common indeed-but  how about Fund pooling??==as in children(with income)  pooling their funds -commit a certain amount (as agreed among all  siblings, involved ), to  bank into a special account-for  the needs of their parents and siblings who are still schooling. No matter what, stick to that commitment . I thought how brilliant! We are teaching responsibility, we are encouraging filial piety, and by practising  that virtuous act , the virtues re bounce and will continue to thrive from one generation to the next.  Children respect their elders, and in turn their own children will respect and take good care of them when they arrive at old age door. It is a very karmic cycle.

The wisdom is that parents should never decline any monies given by their children...even if  they  do not need it, always accept, keep it away in trust, save on their behalf ...for the occasion in the future, when they may need it, perhaps  to buy a house, marriage, or or even for that family vocation OR simply keep it away as a golden egg fund, for the times, when your children may need funds for you,. One day, if health should fail you and you suddenly require tens of thousands for knee surgery for instance- your children would have already given you the funds! I thought that was brilliant, real brilliant indeed .

Of course some lovely children may already be walking along those directions, and to that -this Autumer salute you - 
God Bless  and continue with your good works!!  

Great Respect for Blessed John Paul II

 I have a great respect for Blessed John Paul II, his writings, his sharing on the importance of the Holy Spirit of God in this era -our lives. It played a great part in my appreciating the presence of God in my own life and I guess, I will always be grateful for the insight.

That man is a great saint. In life, he removes borders and build bridges for peace and harmony, in death he manages to reach out to countess people all over the world and work so many miracles. The Lord told his disciples during his ministry years that they too could perform great works of healing and get rid of demons, if they truly believe that the power of God can work through them . For Blessed John Paul, that was the modern day illustration of  that grace ..The late Pope's  ardent devotion to the Blessed Mother and his great faith and trust in God, allowed the working of  miracles . It is the Holy Spirit of God working to make all things possible.. 
The devotion to the Divine Mercy is the personification of Mercy itself. Whoever devotes himself to the Divine Mercy, devotes himself to acts of mercy and must be willing to teach mercy, and be role models. The Lord was very specific when He told his disciples...."follow me and become fishers of man". As devotees of the Divine Mercy, it is the same, it is not sufficient for us to receive mercy on an individual level only, it is not enough that only we ourselves benefit but from the mercy received , but it is required that devotees of Divine Mercy become bearers and performers of   mercy , walking in the image and mission of the Lord Jesus. Reach out with His Love to touch others.

Wasn't it taught that  kind acts-giving , charity and love brings God into our midst?? Peace brethren!!

A Reflection 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Facts of Life

In life's journey, it is common to see  people walk with their heads buried in their own world; rushing  ahead without pausing to evaluate the consequences of their every action, or see the benefits of life's gifts.. 

Each movement, each action, each word uttered  create its own atmosphere, its own energy-its own positive or negative aura. 

In the morning when you awake to  the  sounds of birds you  interpret it as  "music" -a gift from God, or do you throw a shoe in that direction, plug your ears  and complain that -"that noise", whatever it was, is a nuisance and a disturbance? 

Reflect! Learn to appreciate and appreciation comes back to you!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Humour for a change

What a novel way of doing business! But that is just business talk. You can't go to heaven drinking Beer  yes people??

Shared by my good friend through email. Good for a laugh!! Hey! Just bear in mind, that scene was from
India, not from where you are!! So have a good laugh and go back to drinking water! Water is very good for you!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Love the Forgotten!!

Do you hear the cries of the laboured
and the neglected,
Weathered to brittle bones
and starved to desperation-
Gasps of wind and dust
that's what  fills their crying tummies
Dehydration the way of life
Poverty, the  language of the land
Oh for crumbs, off the dirt grounds
a drop of water!
A ragged garment for my modesty
A little shelter from the  thrashing heat!
Is there any place, I could  lay my heavy head;
my weary frame
Is there any hand who cares to reach out
and hold mine?
I am crying for solace-
Oh, that you smile upon me!

Turn Your  merciful eyes, Oh God,
and gaze upon Your forlorn creatures
In this  forgotten lands of nothing
Where cries of  the sufferings,
piteous in their pleading gazes
call out to thee!...

Can you hear the songs of  woe
singing  from morn till dark?
They long for relief- the nights,
And yet, even the nights
would not  spared them....
Where could they lay their skeletal frames
'cept on  the hard stony  grounds??

Ah!  the joy of  sleep-
Just a short respite! A short respite!
The  touch of comfort-
I long,
a whisper of  tenderness,
that's soothing balm-
on wretch frames so deprived!

The horizon which cries
to be heard ,
Focus your eyes and direction.
You, who live in lands aplenty
Awaken and open your hearts
shower a little charity and care-
Let our voices rise up
in collective prayers,
Open God's ears to the plight
of the  forgotten people
and move these wasted
lands into God's sight and vision!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Water Blessed

Water for life, Water for renewal..water to die and rise with Christ!!. What could be more meaningful  than the significance of water in our lives ? And water it is to shower blessings, and tear in joyful appreciation!  As our hearts embrace  and welcome in  new life, Easter, our spirits resurrect with the Lord to amazing grace!  Hey guys! Rejoice!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Death and the Resurrection

What is Truth? Truth is what sets us free. Facing truth is never easy, let alone walk with truth. And the Lord Jesus is the personification of Truth itself   His teaching continues living in us; during times of darkness, it shines forth like a beacon to lead and to guide. In our sufferings and pains, He reaches out to embrace and comfort, because He had gone through the greatest of sufferings for our sake. 

This Good Friday, as thousands gather  in homage, repentance and  deep gratitude for the great love of God,  there arose within us  a  renewal of  faith reuniting and growing  once more as reconciled parts of Christ's body -  each striving to remain true to his memory and great teachings one another as you love yourself. Yet, can we do that at all, we who are all born with the "I" and the "Me" first?? We love ourselves so much, that sometimes, there is no more room for anybody else, except ourselves. As we knee and venerate the cross.., .it is the image of our sins  and burdens piling on the heavy cross,  that brought forth the remorse and the asking of forgiveness. No matter how hard  the heart is, the conscience cries a little on Good Friday and there is this spontaneous whisper of "  I am sorry Lord , forgive me", ringing out from our hearts. 

Thank you Father for the empty cross, because  that fact proclaims  the  Lord's victory over death -that neither  the cross nor the tomb could hold Him. He had arisen and the morn of Sunday will herald in the joy of his resurrection and Easter.  The  Peace of Christ be upon you folks. Happy Easter!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Holy Thursday @ St Anne's Port Klang

Holy was the day, the Lord instituted the holy Eucharist;  the day,  the Lord washed the feet of his disciples as a sign of his  love , as a sign that he accepts them as part of his priesthood, one body with Him, cleansed and worthy to walk in his footsteps.And tonight at St Anne's that meaningful ceremony was brought to life. Those who had their feet washed by  Parish Priest, Father Lawrence, would have been immensely moved by the significance and virtue of that act. It is the memory of Jesus carrying out the act, and it is the words of Jesus -echoing . " If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:13-14..

Father Lawrence  was eloquent in his proclamation that there is no other High Priest except the Lord Jesus...those ordained and called to "priesthood" from then till now and afterwards-were there to serve as part of His Body, His church- not as their own entity. Reflections -did He not say-"I am the vine and you are the branches?" and he who abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart  from me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

I have walked through Spring, Summer and now Autumn. I have looked at the picture of " The Last Supper" , a hundred and one time, I have read John 13 so often ...and yet it did not sink in until tonight...that scene from the Last Supper, it is a picture of  God sitting with man ..... God sharing himself   with man....his body, his spirit....and in so doing,  the Lord Jesus, had brought God   down to us, as our Father..., no longer far away and out of reach. We do not need to search for Him any more, He is already in our midst.  Simply and beautifully expressed ...the significance of this beautiful truth kept Yours Truly in digestive and reflective mood, long after mass was over .A thunder bolt of clarity , which left her slightly overwhelmed . Tonight, when YT looked through John 13 again, it has become more meaningful........humbleness ....equality...serving each other and act of love. Truly, the verses of the Bible are living  and continues to teach and reveal more meanings as time goes on and when the time is ripe for our eyes to see more.