Sunday, April 22, 2012


Suffering is good, that's what my acting parish priest says. Yes, it does keep the sufferer closer to God. Truly, nobody  can deliver except God.......In days past, this Autummer had often walked down the streets of sufferings, she suffered blisters, she suffered heartache, the cold wind -and  really, she would not wish those streets on  anyone!  
Though suffering has its purpose, Autumn here says, please stop the sufferings! We suffer from hurts and pains, we suffer from the misunderstanding of others, though our intentions were good, they still bash us mercilessly. We suffer from the jealous bullying of others. We suffer from lack of care, cash and daily subsistence, we suffer when others turn their backs to us; we suffer hunger, sickness.......the ill intentions of others.....oh there are hundred and one different type of sufferings...and it has come to a point of enough lah  O about some respite? For a change, Autumn would really love a world of zero sufferings...where everyone has enough to eat and live happily, people appreciate one another and the world is just one race, one colour, one culture, one language  -one people of God! 

Sufferings is so associated with our God...He suffered for us...He died for us...that is Love Divine . As His People, we are called to reach out and touch others with our hearts and our deeds...yet how many could truly do that? We are still so far away from the kingdom of God, when a man could turn the other cheek to be slapped... when a man could give up everything for  the love and mercy of  another . .... In fact, if you ask me, as the world progresses, we are actually  moving further away from the kingdom of God.  Man looks upon this planet as their permanent place of abode where they fight without conscience  to stay ahead.They forget that we are all travellers...travelling together from this realm to the next- to a common destination before our God. Doesn't that make us all brethren?? And yet, what is brethren in today's fast tracked world?? 

Maybe Sufferings has its value after all, it brings one down from the high and mighty  to the humble and true self, where the eyes can see and the heart can feel, where arms could reach out to embrace one another.. 

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