Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Death and the Resurrection

What is Truth? Truth is what sets us free. Facing truth is never easy, let alone walk with truth. And the Lord Jesus is the personification of Truth itself   His teaching continues living in us; during times of darkness, it shines forth like a beacon to lead and to guide. In our sufferings and pains, He reaches out to embrace and comfort, because He had gone through the greatest of sufferings for our sake. 

This Good Friday, as thousands gather  in homage, repentance and  deep gratitude for the great love of God,  there arose within us  a  renewal of  faith reuniting and growing  once more as reconciled parts of Christ's body -  each striving to remain true to his memory and great teachings one another as you love yourself. Yet, can we do that at all, we who are all born with the "I" and the "Me" first?? We love ourselves so much, that sometimes, there is no more room for anybody else, except ourselves. As we knee and venerate the cross.., .it is the image of our sins  and burdens piling on the heavy cross,  that brought forth the remorse and the asking of forgiveness. No matter how hard  the heart is, the conscience cries a little on Good Friday and there is this spontaneous whisper of "  I am sorry Lord , forgive me", ringing out from our hearts. 

Thank you Father for the empty cross, because  that fact proclaims  the  Lord's victory over death -that neither  the cross nor the tomb could hold Him. He had arisen and the morn of Sunday will herald in the joy of his resurrection and Easter.  The  Peace of Christ be upon you folks. Happy Easter!

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